East San Gabriel Valley Japanese Community Center - Gakuen (Japanese Language School)
イーストサンゲーブルバレー 日系コミュニティーセンター 日本語学園

Back to School Day
September 17, 2016
Current families - We invite you to join us for our Back to School Day on September 17th. Teachers will be spending the time to discuss topics such as goals for the school year and expectations from the students. It's a great opportunity to meet the teacher, the other parents in the class and to ask any questions you may have. The schedule will be sent to parents via Remind.
Akimatsuri (Fall Festival)
October 1, 2016
The East San Gabriel Valley Japanese Community Center will be having their annual Akimatsuri at the center on Saturday, October 1st from 12-8pm. Come join the fun for delicious food and fun entertainment! Gakuen will have a food booth in the Dining Room. For more information, check out the center's website or click here.

Undokai (Sports Festival)
October 29, 2016
The annual undokai is coming up - a fun event in which the students are divided into two teams (red or white) and show off their athleticism as they compete against the other team. Parents are encouraged to come watch and root for their child team!
Mochitsuki (Sweet Rice Pounding)
December 17, 2016
The traditional mochitsuki event for our students will be held on December 17th. Did you know that ESGVJCC Gakuen is the only Japanese language school to use the traditional equipment? Students are given the opportunity to pound sweet rice into mochi then enjoy them with their favorite topping!

February 4, 2017
"Oniwasoto! Fukuwauchi" Students shouted as they participated in the cultural mame-maki (bean throwing tradition). The students threw roasted soybeans from their masu (a wooden cup) at the oni symbolizing evil to drive them away and invite good fortune. Don't forget to eat the same number of soybeans as your age to enjoy a year of good health!

February 25, 2017
Hinamatsuri (Girls Festival) is an important day for girls. While it is celebrated on March 3rd, Gakuen celebrated a little early. It's a day in which people pray for their happiness and healthy growth. How is this day celebrated? By setting up a display of dolls inside the home and offering arare (rice crackers) and other foods.
Upcoming Events
Gakuen Kodomo No Hi
Registration opens for 2017-2018 school year
Gakuen Pancake Breakfast
Graduation Day