East San Gabriel Valley Japanese Community Center - Gakuen (Japanese Language School)
イーストサンゲーブルバレー 日系コミュニティーセンター 日本語学園
Youth Japanese Conversation Class
Do you have a child between the age of 12-18 who is interested in learning to speak Japanese?
ESGVJCC Gakuen offers a Japanese conversation class for youth! The class is geared towards youth (12-18 years old) who have none to some familiarity with the Japanese language, and wish to learn the spoken language.
You may be wondering how this class offering differs from Gakuen (K-12). The Youth Japanese Conversation Class is a 6-week class that focuses only the spoken language whereas Gakuen teaches basic reading, writing, and speaking in addition to the Japanese culture over a longer period of time. To learn more about Gakuen, click here.
Here are the details of the Youth Japanese Conversation Class:
When: Saturdays from 10am to 12pm OR Mondays 4-6pm
Where: Virtual programming
Instructor: Yukiko Osaki
Fee: $95 (no proration for any missed classes)
*Payment must be received before the first class to participate in the session.
If you would have any questions about the class, please contact the instructor.
Ready to Register? Complete the registration form below and pay the class fee.
A confirmation email will be sent to you upon registration completion.